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Clarendon secondary centre provides a range of interventions for pupils. These include academic and pastoral interventions.

Academic interventions

Pupils may be identified through teacher assessment or standardised testing as needing an additional intervention to improve an identified area. Some pupils access this through Pupil Premium or Year 7 Catch Up funding.

In addition, pupils are identified who have shown real strength in a subject area and might then work in a small group or individually with a staff member to develop their talents. The school also looks closely at the range of accreditation offered to ensuring a balance between the life skills curriculum and academic achievement.

Pastoral intervention

Pupils have access to a variety of pastoral interventions, many of them led by our integrated therapy teams. Pupils are able to self refer and this also informs our planning. Areas of reciprocal friendships, relationships, puberty, resilience or anger management are offered on a needs led basis.